23 December 2008

Little frog

Today is actually January 10... I was told to update my blog and found I had this unpublished one from December. I deleted the content and am writing a shorten version of what I was going to post.

Happy Holidays!
I will be on a trip to Las Vegas.  Hoping it will snow again while I am there. 

Made a new hat for the trip. 

19 December 2008


A couple weeks ago I made a cat hat in a blue.  The blue is for a special request on a hat that I am still working on.  This cat will probably be a one of a kind.  
Cat in blue

16 December 2008


Another Duck!

I was asked what is the cutest hat I had.  I am not sure what would be the cutest, but I know which is my favorite at the moment, because it seems to be the softest fleece I have.  

Richie- Cat pink

This pink cat is going to Japan.   I am hoping for pictures of the hats in Japan.  Ear flap Bunnies and Ladybug are making the trip also.

Bunny white Fp

Ladybug Fp

15 December 2008


I've noticed that I seem to name things by what the color reminds me of.  And it was pointed out to me that I seem to associated colors with different foods.

The last one was Rye because of the color of dark rye.  I happen to prefer dark rye.  I was going use Cookie as a name but it just did not seem to fit.

I like caramel.  Candies.  On desserts.  In coffee and other drinks...

12 December 2008

A color change request.

I have not made the flower hat in any other color up to now, but I got a request for brown and pink.  

Flower brown/pink

It had been a while since I made a flower hat so it took me a while to get the flower to be the right size.  I have a basic pattern that I had drawn out from the first Flower I made,  but it is just a guide line for me.  I like the freedom to cut and alter a creation.  It also helps to be a little flexible since the fleece are of different textures.  I use whatever I find.  Some of the fleece have a soft feel, others have a rougher texture.  And then there are some that have a more polished smooth look to it.  I have also notice that the color varies too.  I guess dying is not really a consistent thing.

10 December 2008

Mon... Key

Last week I got a request for a small monkey.  I do have sketches of monkeys.  I actually have a collection of stuff/ plush monkeys.  I knew I would have to make the ears lower down the sides.  Unfortunately I did not have enough brown to make a small sized hat.  So I had to first hunt down some brown fleece.  That took a couple days, a few phone calls and a long drive.  

My first attempt I tried to keep the ears sewn with the crown part of the hat.  And after the decision of making the back of the ears dark brown instead of a completely light brown ear I made something that did not quite look like a monkey.  Which will now become know as Rye.


The second one required some extra cuts and measurements to ensure better placement of the ears.  Now I will have to work on some larger ones so that they will fit the mannequin heads.


09 December 2008


Aliiolani cafeteria

Here I am in the Alliolani craft fair. The cafeteria tables are made for young children so they are fairly low.  I should probably stand and greet people, but seated I am able to get to my boxes of hats more easily.  Due to the limited space I have only a few hats on the table for display. 

01 December 2008


Writing the blog the other night made me realize it had been a while since I created a new hat.  So just like I wrote in the last blog it all starts with a pencil sketch.  More like a doodle, I have a habit of just scribbling on things, just little pictures that come to my mind.

Pencil scribble of an apple beret

Then color brings it closer to life...

Color sketch

And we get a hat.  I personally like to wear the beret tipped to one side.  


But when the mood strikes me I wear it in a puffy look.  
