Well here it is... it was only a matter of time that this would appear.

Frog hooded towel
The hooded towel collection would not be complete without a frog. I stuck to a soft green. For some reason light green has become my color of choice. I would not call it my favorite color, since I have never claimed to have a favorite color. It is more of my favoring certain colors. As I think about it, I tend to like muted earth tones like grays, blues, browns, greens etc. But I have been in moods of more vibrant tones of yellows, oranges, pinks, reds... I will attribute the whole purple and lavender mood I sometimes get into, to my sister. She once gave me lavender corduroy short pant overalls, which were very comfortable. That lavender got etched into my mind as being a comfortable color.
There were three or four choices of greens. I want this to be my primary hooded towel frog color. Deciding on the eye color took a while too, the eyes are not the normal black. I was going to make them blue or even a green but finally decided on a dark brown.