25 October 2013

Time flew by...

I can see how much I am not a fan of writing when I look at my neglected blog.  I was the one in school that used to dislike journaling.  Why did I think doing a blog was a good idea?

Anyway, it is once again the start of holiday craft fairs for me.  Halloween is just next week, and today is the start of the three day craft fair at the Neal Blaisdell.  I have a few more free passes if anyone  wants passes to avoid the $3 per person admission fee.  Wednesday's paper had some $1 discount coupons.  Every 15 minutes there are prize giveaways.

13 May 2013

Haven't really wrote anything in a while.

Organizing things because I can not sew at the moment.  I thought I'd post a few pictures since I have neglected my blog.

I'm not sure where to start, random ones I guess.