It has been all things white for a while now. I made some white cats, which I will be calling Snow kitty.
Snow kitty
One with just a folded band and the other with ear flaps. Anything without long floppy ears gets made in the two different band types.

Snow kitty
Also, finally decided on the final look of the ghost cap. My sister sent me a picture of the ghost beanie she made to wear last Halloween. I changed it a bit. Took me a while to get the look of the hands to be smaller than the one my sister made. I am still not happy with the way it looks.
When my sister was here, I showed her my work in progress. All she said was "that's scary, that's not cute." My response was, "I do not make cute." So I changed the eyes and mouth to look more friendly, like the one she made.
Below is the one my sister made. Which I guess you could say is more cute. It has a cartoonish look to it. Fluffy... almost marshmallow like.

Ghost beanie
I hope it went well this weekend! :D We missed you!
It did go okay.
I am looking forward to the next Fair.
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