15 November 2008

Craft fair at Aiea.

Today was the craft fair at Aiea Elementary.  I was on a lanai space.  Which is basically on the sidewalk outside of the classrooms.  There was a tent in the grassy area in front of me selling very nice prints of sea life.  The lady was named Rita, and I do not remember her husband's name.  He was the artist of the prints.  

Once again I failed to take pictures.  I do not know what happens to me.  Maybe I should stick notes on various things that I bring with me to the craft fair, that say "TAKE PICTURES."

I talked with many interesting people.  Many buying hats as a gift for someone in colder climates.  I still get the "you are crazy" looks from people.  As well as many more people saying 'cute.'  

Many people asked about my website, which I have been neglecting to create.  And it was brought to my attention that when doing a search of San's Little frog it shows the url of my banner page(and only the banner.) I will hopefully be able to fix this soon.

I also received pictures by email tonight.  I will be posting them tomorrow.   

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