30 November 2008

Nothing much. Another fair coming up.

Really not much to say lately...

Just been busy restocking the different hats.  I think I have been doing fairly well keeping up with any hat orders that I have gotten.  

Working on sketches.  I usually do a pencil sketch that evolves over time.  Then I do a few color sketches.  I do my hat creation process(make a pattern, cut and sew) and do a few more sketches of the hat. 

Also did some drawings for my Website.  Yes,  I have been taking sometime to work on my website.  I still have not decided to change the banner or keep it as it is.  And although my E-store is not yet in working condition,  I do take orders and  will be using PayPal.  PayPal works for me right now since I will be able to send a pay button by email.


This coming Saturday I will be in Kaimuki again.  I will be in the Aliiolani cafeteria, the table I will be at is more toward the center of the room this time.  

19 November 2008

16 November 2008

Beyond cute!

I finally created a quick way to preview the different hats I have.  I placed a slideshow on this blog and at sanslittlefrog.com. 

Beyond cute!

I was happy to receive these pictures last night.  I think Mindy is so cute and adorable in her hat.  Julio took these pictures of her at what I am guessing is Ala Moana Beach Park.

The Coal Bunny with earflaps looks great on Mindy.  I think I only cropped one of the photos.  I really like Julio's picture compositions.  And although I only wanted to post two pictures, I just could not choose only one Bunny. There were a total of eight pictures and I managed to only eliminate two from the collection.

Thank you for the wonderful pictures!

15 November 2008

Craft fair at Aiea.

Today was the craft fair at Aiea Elementary.  I was on a lanai space.  Which is basically on the sidewalk outside of the classrooms.  There was a tent in the grassy area in front of me selling very nice prints of sea life.  The lady was named Rita, and I do not remember her husband's name.  He was the artist of the prints.  

Once again I failed to take pictures.  I do not know what happens to me.  Maybe I should stick notes on various things that I bring with me to the craft fair, that say "TAKE PICTURES."

I talked with many interesting people.  Many buying hats as a gift for someone in colder climates.  I still get the "you are crazy" looks from people.  As well as many more people saying 'cute.'  

Many people asked about my website, which I have been neglecting to create.  And it was brought to my attention that when doing a search of San's Little frog it shows the url of my banner page(and only the banner.) I will hopefully be able to fix this soon.

I also received pictures by email tonight.  I will be posting them tomorrow.   

13 November 2008

A Certain white cat...

You know what I am talking about, or maybe once you see the picture you will know...

I have been asked more than once if I make a certain white cat.  I have said that I would be able to make one, but nobody has yet ordered one.  So here it is, I took it as a challenge to try to make one.

I studied some pictures, did some sketching and rolled out my brown paper.  I set some guide lines on the brown paper and drew in a pattern, hoping it would turn out okay.  In a last minute decision, I am not sure why, I removed an inch from the pattern.  I originally wanted it to have a circumference of 19 inches but in the end it became 16.5-17 inches.  Seems that I should have added an inch not taken it away.


I also added velcro so the straps could be secured under the chin.  I gave the bow two crease grooves on each side of the circle.  I might have to play with that and make it to have only one crease.  Some of the ear lines might have to be adjusted to be rounder.  I think it turned out quite well for a first try with out adjustments.

12 November 2008

Halloween picture.

Last night I received a great picture that was taken on Halloween. 

Frog, Jack(brown dog) and Bee(not a Little frog creation)

Upon asking what the dog was dressed as I got the reply 'a bee.'  Antenna were not on though.  Hope the three of you had fun on Halloween.  

Thank you for sending in the picture.  It is a nice change of pace to The Creepy Lady(female mannequin head) and the male mannequin head.  Yes, I only named the female one.  When I first bought the heads I was a bit hesitant because the eyes looked a little creepy.   I remember when I went to the warehouse to pick up my order of the mannequins the guy there called it scary lady.  Which I found to be funny.  I have the two different heads because the MMH (male mannequin head) wears a medium/large and TCL(the creepy lady) wears between a medium and a small.  I am currently looking for a doll to model my extra small hats.

10 November 2008

Another Soot

This is the first bunny that I made with ear flaps.  I think it looks good on the mannequin.  Long ears and ear flaps is a lot going on for one hat.  


Hopefully I will receive a picture by email soon of its new owner wearing it. *hint hint*  And they will be okay with me posting it in my blog.

08 November 2008


I would like to start this post by thanking all new and returning Little frog hat owners.  NBC craft fair was a whirl wind for me and it took me a little while to recognize a few of you that came to visit me again.  I hope those that are going on trips have a safe and fun journey, and that your hats keep you warm.

Today was the craft fair at Aliiolani.  Once again I failed to remember to take pictures.  I did not even take out my camera.  *sigh*

I would like to warn all you new crafters out there doing craft fairs... if it is at a school and says 9 am that is not really when it starts. Hehe.  The instructions I got said that all unloading was to be done before 8 am... which is actually early for me on a Saturday.  My plans were to get there at about 7:50 am, figuring I only needed a few minutes to set up.  I was able to carry every thing in with Kent's help.   I took a smaller amount of hats with me, being that it was only a five hour craft fair and I had a table inside the cafeteria.   To my surprise there were already shoppers walking around browsing when I got there at 7:55 am.

Many people said 'cute' today, but the hats were not able to bring as many smiles to people's faces as at the NBC fair.  Maybe because I was not the silly girl in a frog hat.  Today I was wearing a pink beret that I beaded with one line of seed beads to make it a little sparkly.  I must be one of the few people that feels cold in Hawaii.  I like using my hat instead of putting on a jacket or sweater.  Sometimes on a rainy or windy day I wear shorts and a tank top with a hat or scarf.  I used to work at a place where the air conditioning was set at a low temperature and would use pants, a sleeveless shirt and one of the yarn scarves I knitted.  I find using a hat or a scarf to be less bulky than carrying around a jacket or sweater. 

Thank you, Julio and Mindy for stopping by and ordering a bunny hat, and for the short chat break.  

07 November 2008




Got the light brown cow done.  Tried different horns on this one.  Seems like it does not photograph as well as the thicker ones.  I wanted a cow with floppy ears, although the ears sticking out is growing on me.


Here is another hat that initially  in my mind was a different color.  I was in search of maybe something black and white.  Which I might actually do eventually.  Then I thought dark brown, and it was suggested I call it Hownow.  (Yes, maybe a chuckle, how now brown cow... I am sort of against Hownow.) My color indecision continued when I found a lighter brown. 

At last, be it that I am still seeing red... 


Here is Pepper.  I had been working on the horns for a while now.  And working on the red horn hats inspired me to finish up my horned cow.  I have not decided to make more in red yet or not.  Pepper here might be a lonely red cow.

06 November 2008


It seems once I start working with a color I like to keep working with it for a while.  I originally bought red to make a strawberry and ended up making ladybugs.  I did not have the right color green for the stem so I kept putting it to the side.  I wanted a dark green, but ended up using a lighter green.  


Over all I like how it turned out.  I might work on the stem a bit more.   Maybe even make the seeds more visible.

Close up of the Berry

03 November 2008

Craft fair at Aliiolani

Another Craft fair is coming up this Saturday at Aliiolani Elementary.  My pond will be located in the school's cafeteria.

I have been working on orders and have not really sewn any new hat.  I did make a red devil hat that was ordered. 

I also found a different green to make frogs with.  So hopefully I will be able to get a few more things done before Saturday.