08 November 2008


I would like to start this post by thanking all new and returning Little frog hat owners.  NBC craft fair was a whirl wind for me and it took me a little while to recognize a few of you that came to visit me again.  I hope those that are going on trips have a safe and fun journey, and that your hats keep you warm.

Today was the craft fair at Aliiolani.  Once again I failed to remember to take pictures.  I did not even take out my camera.  *sigh*

I would like to warn all you new crafters out there doing craft fairs... if it is at a school and says 9 am that is not really when it starts. Hehe.  The instructions I got said that all unloading was to be done before 8 am... which is actually early for me on a Saturday.  My plans were to get there at about 7:50 am, figuring I only needed a few minutes to set up.  I was able to carry every thing in with Kent's help.   I took a smaller amount of hats with me, being that it was only a five hour craft fair and I had a table inside the cafeteria.   To my surprise there were already shoppers walking around browsing when I got there at 7:55 am.

Many people said 'cute' today, but the hats were not able to bring as many smiles to people's faces as at the NBC fair.  Maybe because I was not the silly girl in a frog hat.  Today I was wearing a pink beret that I beaded with one line of seed beads to make it a little sparkly.  I must be one of the few people that feels cold in Hawaii.  I like using my hat instead of putting on a jacket or sweater.  Sometimes on a rainy or windy day I wear shorts and a tank top with a hat or scarf.  I used to work at a place where the air conditioning was set at a low temperature and would use pants, a sleeveless shirt and one of the yarn scarves I knitted.  I find using a hat or a scarf to be less bulky than carrying around a jacket or sweater. 

Thank you, Julio and Mindy for stopping by and ordering a bunny hat, and for the short chat break.  


hi said...

you won't have to make a delivery, i'll be happy to pick it up. don't even bother leaving your room, you can bet i will know when its ready.

San said...

Hmm... I do not think so.
